Festival d'Art Contemporain


The 8th edition of the Festival d'Art Contemporain, ate the Fernelmont Contemporary Art in Fernelmont, Belgium, will be held from June 4th to September 14th. Curated by Gustavo Urruty, the works exhibited are associated through different narrative encounters, exploring the dialogue between languages and histories of contemporary artists of various nationalities. Paulo Climachauska, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Julien Audebert, Céline Cleron, Federico Montoya Martinez and Ulla Von Brandenburg are some of the artists participating of this exhibition.

Tags: pauloclimachauskacontemporaryartbelgiumfernelmontfernelmontcontemporaryartgustavourrutyclimachauskapierre-olivierarnaudjulienaudebertclinecleronfedericomontoyamartinezullavonbrandenburggroupexhibition.

8th edition of the Festival d?Art Contemporain

8th edition of the Festival d?Art Contemporain  (credits: Fernelmont Contemporary Art)