Coleção Fadel at MAM-SP


The Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo exhibits Vontade Constructiva na Coleção Fadel, displaying the diversions of Brazilian Constructivism backwards, from 1980 to 1908. The exhibition presents 216 paintings, sculptures and graphic pieces by artists from Grupos Frente and Ruptura, such as Hélio Oiticica, Lygia Pape, Geraldo de Barros, Franz Weissmann, Amilcar de Castro, and Mira Schendel, among others. Until June 15th.

Tags: sopaulomamspconcreteneoconcreteheliooiticicalygiapapegeraldodebarrosfranzweissmannamilcardecastromiraschendel.

Hélio Oiticica | Metaesquema

Hélio Oiticica | Metaesquema  (credits: Jaime Acioli)