Centro Municipal de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Coletivo Norte Comum and Secretaria Municipal de Cultura invite to the event Bandeiras na Praça Tiradentes. With a “cortejo”, the event celebrates the end of the art residency Remixofagia and the opening of the exhibition Bandeiras na Praça Tiradentes, which relives the 1968 Happening, Bandeiras na Praça General Osório, and shows an research on art and resistance. In the exhibition, original flags and replicas, and photographs and documents from the time, mix together with works from contemporary artists and today’s art groups. Hélio Oiticica, Rubens Gerchman, Anna Maria Maiolino, Antonio Dias e Nelson Leirner are some of the participating artists. On display from the 6th of October to the 29th of November. For more information about the event access http://goo.gl/gsOib0.
Tags: centro-municipal-de-arte-helio-oiticica, helio-oiticica, coletivo-norte-comum, secretaria-municipal-de-cultura, bandeiras-na-praca-tiradentes, remixofagia, happening, 1968, bandeiras-na-praca-general-osorio, rubens-gerchman, anna-maria-maiolino, antonio-dias, nelson-leirner.